Bonfire -
2-4 , 70-100 ,
Stefan Feld
Dennis Lohausen
Hall Games
Bart De Cock (be_com4)
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.

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“Why are the Bonfires no longer lit? It began a few months ago, when the Bonfires atop the towers of the nearby cities darkened. Now they seem fully extinguished. We gnomes do not live in the cities, but rather in the forests close to it. But we also need the light and energy the Bonfires provide! Perhaps the Guardians of Light know more – after all, they created the Bonfires as the light of the distant sun was barely enough to survive.

We went to the nearest city – something we usually try to avoid because the citizens look down upon us forest dwellers. However, the cities were deserted. Only a single Guardian was left behind. She did not want to explain exactly what happened there. But she did tell us that the Guardians have withdrawn to the sacred islands taking the Bonfires with them. They went to their holy islands, where they now wait for those humble enough to ask for help. They want you to show them your goodwill, by completing their tasks – only then will they regain their former faith in other beings and ignite the Bonfires once again.

Relieved that it is within our power to change our fate, we make our way to the holy islands. We shall light up the city’s Bonfires once again. On our way there, we realized that other gnomes plan to do the same in other cities – but I am sure WE can do it better!”

Game Components
Starting Tiles for Guardians
Extensions (1 Building and 3 Terraces)
28 Path Tiles (10x blue Crystal, 10x red Crystal, 8x yellow Crystal)
Portals (4 of each shape/symbol)
Action Tiles (12x yellow, 10x of each other type)
Countdown Tiles
Figure “Great Bonfire”
Guardians of Light, "Guardians" (4 of each color)
Neutral Novices
Resources (9 Blossoms, 9 Fruits, 9 Herbs, 9 Shells, 9 Roots, 12 Gold)
Action Overview
Fate Tiles
Offering Tiles
Score Marker
Overview Cards (for the Final Scoring)

Setup Game board

The game is mostly independent of the player count. The exceptions are emphasized in green writing and summarized here:

  • Number of Tasks
  • Number of Portals in a 2 player game
  • Game End Condition
  1. Place the Game Board in the play area
  2. Shuffle the Tasks and place them with the dark side face up on the islands:
    • 4 players: Place 3 Tasks on each island.
    • 3 players: Place 2 Tasks on each of the 4 corner islands and 3 Tasks on each remaining island.
    • 1 or 2 players: Place 2 Tasks on each island.
    Return any remaining Tasks back to the box.
  3. Place each Guardian on the island of its respective color
  4. Stack the Countdown Tiles in ascending order and place the pile on the designated space on the Game Board.
  5. Place the 6 Elders face up on the designated spaces on the Game Board.
  6. In a 2 player game, return 1 of each of the 7 Portal Tiles back to the box. Shuffle the Portal Tiles and distribute them evenly among the 7 spaces surrounding the Great Bonfire on the Game Board.
  7. Place the Great Bonfire on its space on the Game Board and make sure its tip is pointing in the direction south.
  8. Shuffle the Path Tiles and place them as 2-3 face down piles next to the Game Board. Then, reveal 4 Tiles and place them on the designated spaces on the Game Board creating the display.
  9. Shuffle the Specialists and place the Gnome Pile face down beside the Board. Draw 6 Specialists and place them face up on the designated spaces of the Game Board.
  10. Place 1 Neutral Novice on each of the 5 Common Tasks printed on the Game Board.
  11. Take all the Components of your player color: Place your Score Marker and your 0/50-Marker on the space 0 of the Scoring Track.
    Flip your 0/50-Marker as soon as you exceed 50 Points.
    Place your Ship on the landing stage on the Game Board.
  12. Place the Action Tiles and Resources in a general supply next to the Game Board.

Setup Player boards

  1. Place your Player Board in front of you.
  2. Attach a Starting Tile for Guardians to your Player Board and place your Guardian onto it.
  3. Place your Novices on the 7 corresponding spaces.
  4. 1 of the players: Take 1 Extension for each player (making sure the one with the oval Building is among them) and distribute 1 to each player at random.
    Every player: Attach the Extension to your Player Board. Whoever received the oval Building is the Starting Player.
  5. Place the Action Overview next to your Player Board. Place your Overview Card nearby. You will need it during the Final Scoring.
  6. Shuffle the 10 Offering Tiles face down and place them as 2 piles with 5 Offering Tiles each on your Action Overview. Flip the topmost Tile of each pile face up.
  7. Shuffle your Fate Tiles and create a face up personal supply with 7 of them next to your Action Overview. Keep the remaining Tile in front of you for now.
  8. Before taking your first turn, decide to either use the Fate Tile in front of you or to swap it with the one in the middle of your personal supply. Place the chosen Tile on the marked spaces in the center of your Fate Area.

    Take 1 of each of the 6 Resources and place them in your supply on the left side of the Player Board.

    Take 5 Action Tiles: 2 yellow Tiles and 3 Tiles matching the 3 colors on your chosen Fate Tile. Place these in your supply on the right side of your Player Board.

You may spend Gold as a replacement for any other Resource.

You may spend a yellow Action Tile as a replacement for any other Action Tile.

Game Overview


  • You alternate taking single turns in clockwise order (A Player’s Turn)
  • During the course of the game your will receive and fulfill Tasks (Receive a Task)
  • With a fulfilled Task you can ignite 1 Bonfire and send a Novice to the High Council (Ignite a Bonfire)
  • Play continues until there is a specific number of Novices in the High Council (End of Game)
  • This will trigger a Countdown for the last 5 rounds, after which you will proceed to the Final Scoring.

The player who scores the most Points wins the game


You have 3 options, pick 1 of them:

I. Place a Fate Tile into your Fate Area and gain Action Tiles.

II. Perform an action by using 1 type of Action Tile:

Build a Path for the procession of Guardians.
Move your Ship to an island.
Receive a Task from an island by offering 2 Resources.
Retrieve a Guardian from an island and bring her into your city or
trigger a Procession of Guardians through your city.
Visit the Great Bonfire and receive Action Tiles, Resources, or Portals.
Recruit a Gnome into your city.

III. Ignite a Bonfire and send a Novice to the High Council.

Additionally, you may perform Bonus Actions if you fulfill a corresponding Common Task


The Guardian moved from the Path to a Bonfire via a Portal. You will gain Points for the Bonfire, the Guardian, the Portal as well as the Path Tile, because its crystal color corresponds with the color of the Bonfire.

During the game you will not gain many Points - only a few for recruiting Gnomes (Recruiting Gnomes).

You gain most of the Points during the Final Scoring. Then, you will gain Points for your Bonfires and fulfilled Common Tasks.

You will gain Bonus Points for your Bonfires, when you have Guardians, Portals, or matching Crystal colors on the Path Tiles (see example to the right).

Whenever you gain Points, advance your Score Marker on the Scoring Track accordingly.

Tips for the first game:

  • There is no "best first turn". Examples of good first turns are:
    • Take a Specialist: It makes sense to have them in your city early (Recruit a Gnome).
    • Use the Great Bonfire: If you are the first to perform this action, you can immediately take your first Portal. This could cost more Action Tiles later (Use the Great Bonfire).
    • Move your Ship and take a Task: Performing this Action early, allows you to choose from all available Tasks and to select one you want for your strategy (Move your Ship).
  • Start with easier, i.e. blue, Tasks in the beginning and try to get a feeling for the difficulty of the individual Tasks.
  • Do not take too many Tasks - sometimes the game ends earlier than expected, and then you may not be able to fulfill all of them

On each of your turns, perform 1 of the following options I, II, or III.

I. Place a Fate Tile and gain Action Tiles

II. Use Action Tiles

III. Ignite a Bonfire

Additionally, you may perform Bonus Actions if you fulfill a corresponding Common Task.

Special case: If you are no longer able to perform any of the 3 options, the game is over for you. You may still pass during the Countdown Phase to gain as many Points as the current Countdown Tile shows (see Countdown Phase). However, this should only occur in extremely rare cases.


By placing a Fate Tile you decide which and how many Action Tiles you gain. This will influence the Actions available to you later.

In this case, you have the choice between the 2 highlighted Fate Tiles.
In order to perform this Action, you may have no more than 1 Action Tile left in your personal supply. However, you may discard any excess Tiles at any time during your turn. Take the top or bottom Fate Tile from your supply and place it in your Fate Area on your Player Board.
In the image to the right, the Fate Tile protrudes beyond the edge of the Fate Area. This is not allowed.
Place the Fate Tile into your Fate Area in horizontal or vertical orientation making sure that it ...
  • is orthogonally adjacent to at least 1 of the Tiles already placed
  • does not protrude beyond the edge of the Fate Area.
  • does not (partly) cover another Fate Tile.
The white symbol is adjacent to an area of 2 more white symbols. Therefore, you gain a total of 3 white Action Tiles. Additionally, you gain 2 purple and 1 red Action Tile
Gain the 3 Action Tiles depicted on the Fate Tile you just placed.
If the symbols of the newly placed Tile are adjacent to the same symbols on Tiles placed earlier gain an additional Tile for each symbol in the adjacent connected area.
You covered a Gold symbol and gain 1 Gold in addition to the 5 Action Tiles.
If you place your Fate Tile onto a or a on your Fate Area, you also gain the depicted object.


You can perform a variety of Actions with your Action Tiles.

If you must pay an Action Tile, you may replace it either with 1 yellow Action Tile or with any 2 Action Tiles.

If you must pay a Resource, you may replace it either with 1 Gold or with any 2 Resources.


If you must pay an Action Tile, you may replace it either with 1 yellow Action Tile or with any 2 Action Tiles.

If you must pay a Resource, you may replace it either with 1 Gold or with any 2 Resources. You may also replace Gold with 2 Resources.

You may not use these alternatives to fulfill Tasks, because you are not paying Action Tiles or Resources then!

You can perform a variety of Actions with your Action Tiles. To do so, you will have to pay 1 or more Action Tiles, depending on the Action you wish to perform.

Build a Path

Take 1 of the 4 face up Path Tiles or the top Path Tile from a draw pile.

  • Pay 1 Action Tile for building one of the first 3 Path Tiles.
  • Pay 2 Action Tiles for building one of the last 3 Path Tiles

You have 2 reasons to build Paths in your city: Firstly, the Guardians perform their Procession on them providing you with Resources along the way. Secondly, you are awarded with Points during the Final Scoring, if the color of the Crystal on the Path matches the color of the adjacent Bonfire.

Take 1 of the 4 face up Path Tiles or the top Path Tile from a draw pile and add it to your city, connecting it to your previous Path Tile. Then refill the display if applicable.

  • Pay 1 Action Tile for building one of the first 3 Path Tiles.
  • Pay 2 Action Tiles for building one of the last 3 Path Tiles

You may only add 6 Path Tiles to your city. Thereafter, you may not use this Action anymore.

Special case: If, before you take a Path Tile, all Tiles in the display show a Crystal of the same color, you may place these 4 Tiles under the draw piles and then refill the display with new Tiles.

Move your Ship

With the help of your Ship, you can move to islands:
  • Pay 1 Action Tile to move along one of the ship routes (light blue lines) to a neighboring island.
  • Pay 2 Action Tiles to move along one of the ship routes to a neighboring island, twice.
  • Pay 3 Action Tiles to move to any island of your choice.
Extra Action: Immediately after moving your Ship, you may carry out the action belonging to the island on which you ended the movement (Receive a Task or Retrieve a Guardian). You must pay the normal cost of Action Tiles and Resources for the extra turn.

With the help of your Ship, you can move to 2 different types of islands: Those where you can retrieve Guardians and those where you can receive Tasks.

You pay 1 Action Tile and move your Ship to the island to the right. There you perform the Action Receive a Task. You pay 2 Action Tiles and move your Ship 2 steps to an island further right. There you perform the Action Retrieve a Guardian.

When you move your Ship for the first time in a game, pay 1 Action Tile to move to any island of your choice. The next time, when you move your Ship, you may depart from any side of the island, and the costs for moving are as follows:

  • Pay 1 Action Tile to move along one of the ship routes (light blue lines) to a neighboring island.
  • Pay 2 Action Tiles to move along one of the ship routes to a neighboring island, twice.
  • Pay 3 Action Tiles to move to any island of your choice.
Extra Action: Immediately after moving your Ship, you may carry out the action belonging to the island on which you ended the movement (Receive a Task or Retrieve a Guardian). You must pay the normal cost of Action Tiles and Resources for the extra turn.

The amount of Ships harboring at an island is not limited.

Receive a Task

On the islands you can receive Tasks. The front of each Task shows a condition to be met and the Points you may gain if you fulfill it.

Your Ship must be at the island of which you want to receive a Task. Perform the following steps a) - c) in order:

a) Pay Action Tile(s)

The number of Tiles to pay depends on how many of your own Offering Tiles you have already placed on this island:

If it is your:

  • First own Offering Tile: Pay 1 Action Tile.
  • Second own Offering Tile: Pay 2 Action Tiles.
  • Third own Offering Tile: Pay 3 Action Tiles.
Offering Tiles from other players have no effect on you.

b) Pay Resources

Choose 1 of your 2 face up Offering Tiles.

Now pay 2 Resources:

  • The Resource depicted on the selected Offering Tile
  • The Resource depicted on the island itself

c) Deliver the Offering Tiles and receive the Task

Take a Task from the island and replace it with the chosen Offering Tile, face down. Place the Task on any unoccupied Task Space on your Player Board.

On the islands you can receive Tasks. The front of each Task shows a condition to be met and the Points you may gain if you fulfill it. The back, i.e. the Bonfire side, shows only the Points.

Your Ship must be at the island of which you want to receive a Task. Perform the following steps a) - c) in order:

a) Pay Action Tile(s)


This is the first time you deliver an Offering Tile to this island. Therefore, you must pay 1 Action Tile in addition to the Resources depicted on the island and the Offering Tile.

There is 1 of your Offering Tiles on this island. Therefore, you must pay 2 Action Tiles in addition to the 2 Resources.

There are 2 of your Offering Tiles on this island. Therefore, you must pay 3 Action Tiles in addition to the 2 Resources.


You take the yellow Task from the island and put an Offering Tile in its place, face down. You now place the Task onto a Task Space of your choice on your Player Board.

The number of Tiles to pay depends on how many of your own Offering Tiles you have already placed on this island:

If it is your:

  • First own Offering Tile: Pay 1 Action Tile.
  • Second own Offering Tile: Pay 2 Action Tiles.
  • Third own Offering Tile: Pay 3 Action Tiles.
Offering Tiles from other players have no effect on you.

b) Pay Resources

Choose 1 of your 2 face up Offering Tiles.

Now pay 2 Resources:

  • The Resource depicted on the selected Offering Tile
  • The Resource depicted on the island itself

c) Deliver the Offering Tiles and receive the Task

Take a Task from the island and replace it with the chosen Offering Tile, face down. Place the Task on any unoccupied Task Space on your Player Board.

Then flip the next face down Offering Tile on your Action Overview face up.

You may only add 7 Tasks to your city. Thereafter, you may not use this Action anymore.

The yellow Bonfires show the most difficult tasks. These award more Points for their fulfillment than the moderate red and the easy blue Tasks. For further details, see Ignite a Bonfire and Appendix I.

Retrieve a Guardian

You retrieve a Guardian and bring her into your city. Later she may take part in Processions.

  • Your Ship must be at an island with a Guardian of a color you do not already have.
  • Pay 1 Action Tile and take a Guardian from that island.
  • Place her on the Starting Tile for Guardians on your Player Board.

You retrieve a Guardian and bring her into your city. Later she may take part in Processions.

You pay 1 Action Tile, take the grey Guardian from her island, and place her on the Starting Tile for Guardians on your Player Board.

Your Ship must be at an island with a Guardian of a color you do not already have.
Pay 1 Action Tile and take a Guardian from that island. Place her on the Starting Tile for Guardians on your Player Board. There is no limit to the number of Guardians present on the Starting Tile.

You cannot have more than 5 Guardians in your city. Thereafter, you may not use this Action anymore.

Make a Procession

During a Procession, Guardians either grant you Resources immediately, or Points during the Final Scoring.

  • Pay 1 or more Action Tiles: You may advance each Guardian by no more than the number of steps you have paid Tiles.
  • Start with the Guardian furthest ahead on the Path. The Guardians may overtake each other.
  • At the end of the Procession, each Path Tile and each Bonfire may only contain a single Guardian.

During a Procession, Guardians either grant you Resources immediately, or Points during the Final Scoring.

Your red and wood-colored Guardians each move 1 step forward along the Path. You gain 1 Fruit and 1 Gold. The pink Guardian may not move further because the next Path Tile is occupied.

Pay 1 or more Action Tiles: You may advance each Guardian by no more than the number of steps you have paid Tiles. Start with the Guardian furthest ahead on the Path. The Guardians may overtake each other. At the end of the Procession, each Path Tile and each Bonfire may only contain a single Guardian. If there are several Guardians on the Starting Tile, you may decide which one moves first.

You move the pink Guardian 2 steps forward, placing her next to a Bonfire. You do not gain any Resources, but will be awarded 4 Points during the Final Scoring.

1 step could mean either "straight ahead along the path", or "turn right towards a Bonfire". For the latter you must have already placed a Portal leading towards the Bonfire.
If the movement of a Guardian of at least 1 step ends on a Path Tile, you take its depicted Resource. If the movement ends next to a Bonfire, you will score Points during Final Scoring.

Use the Great Bonfire

The Guardians left behind a last Bonfire for support. Here you can gain Resources, Action Tiles, and magic symbols, representing the Portals.

  • Pay 1 Action Tile to rotate the Great Bonfire 1 space in clockwise direction.
  • Pay 2 Action Tiles to rotate the Great Bonfire 2 spaces in clockwise direction.
  • Pay 3 Action Tiles to rotate the Great Bonfire to any space of your choice.

Then gain 2 of the following 3 rewards:

  • Gain the depicted Action Tile.
  • Gain the depicted Resource or the depicted 2 Points.
  • Take 1 of the available Portals and place it into the next available notch of your Player Board. You must place the first Portal on the right side of your Player Board and continue counterclockwise.

The Guardians left behind a last Bonfire for support. Here you can gain Resources, Action Tiles, and magic symbols, representing the Portals.

You have the choice to gain a Root, a red Action Tile, or take 1 of the Portals. You decide to take the fitting Portal and gain the Root.

When the Great Bonfire is used the first time in a game, you pay 1 Action Tile to rotate it to any space of your choice. From now on, when anyone uses the Great Bonfire, the costs are as follows:

  • Pay 1 Action Tile to rotate the Great Bonfire 1 space in clockwise direction.
  • Pay 2 Action Tiles to rotate the Great Bonfire 2 spaces in clockwise direction.
  • Pay 3 Action Tiles to rotate the Great Bonfire to any space of your choice.

Then gain 2 of the following 3 rewards:

  • Gain the depicted Action Tile.
  • Gain the depicted Resource or the depicted 2 Points.
  • Take 1 of the available Portals and place it into the next available notch of your Player Board. You must place the first Portal on the right side of your Player Board and continue counterclockwise.
    Note: If shape and symbol do not match your next available notch, you may not take the Portal!

Recruit a Gnome

Gnomes give you permanent abilities or grant extra Points.

To recruit a Gnome, choose from the following 2 options:

  • Pay 2 Action Tiles and the Resource depicted on the Gnome.
  • Pay 1 Action Tile and 2x the Resource depicted on the Gnome.

Then, take the Gnome and place it below your Player Board.

  • If you recruited a Specialist, refill the display if possible.
  • If you recruited an Elder, calculate and gain its Points immediately.

Gnomes give you permanent abilities or grant extra Points (Appendix III).

There are 2 Types of Gnomes:
  • the Specialists, providing you with a permanent ability
  • the Elders, from whom you will immediately gain Points

You may only recruit 6 Gnomes. Thereafter, you may not use this Action anymore.
To recruit a Gnome, choose from the following 2 options:
  • Pay 2 Action Tiles and the Resource depicted on the Gnome.
  • Pay 1 Action Tile and 2x the Resource depicted on the Gnome.
Then, take the Gnome and place it below your Player Board.
  • If you recruited a Specialist, refill the display if possible.
  • If you recruited an Elder, calculate and gain its Points immediately.


You flip a fulfilled Task to the Bonfire side. Take the Novice and place it into the High Council onto the space providing you with a free Specialist of your choice from the display.

Flip over 1 of your Tasks, of which you have met the condition. By doing so you ignite the Bonfire again!

Take the Novice standing next to the Bonfire and place it on any of the 8 spaces of the High Council. There may be any number of Novices on a space, but not of the same color.

Gain 1 of the bonuses depicted on the chosen space. One option is always to gain 1 Point (Appendix II).

You gain the Points for the Bonfire during the Final Scoring.


You fulfill a Common Task (having 6 Gnomes). Therefore, you place the Neutral Novice onto the space in the High Council granting you a Guardian of your choice.

Before or after your turn, you may additionally perform any number of Bonus Actions.

The Bonus Action consists of sending 1 Neutral Novice to the High Council and gaining the corresponding reward. In order to do that, you must fulfill 1 of the Common Tasks , depicted in the center of the Game Board (Common Tasks).

You can only perform the Bonus Action if the Neutral Novice is still present at the corresponding Task. Then, you may place that Neutral Novice on 1 of the 8 spaces of the High Council, where no Novice of its color is already present. Gain the bonus of this space (Appendix II).

Countdown Phase

The end of the game depends on the number of Novices and Neutral Novices on the 8 spaces in the High Council. Check this number whenever a Novice is placed in the High Council.

The Countdown for the last 5 rounds is triggered, if in a

234player game there are
71013Novices in the High Council

  • The Starting Player takes the pile of 5 Countdown Tiles and places it onto her Extension.
  • Each time the Starting Player finishes their turn, they take the Tile with the highest remaining number and passes it on to the next player in clockwise order. The number on this Countdown tile displays the number of turns remaining for this player. Each player passes this Tile to the next player in turn order after their turn. As soon as the Countdown Tile returns to the Starting Player, they return it to the box
  • Instead of taking a turn, a player may pass during the Countdown, gaining as many Points as the current Countdown Tile shows. They then do not participate in the remaining rounds.
  • When the “1”-Tile is returned to the box, the game ends. Proceed with the Final Scoring.

Final Scoring

  • 2–8 Points for each of your Bonfires, according to its printed value.
  • 2–8 Points for each of your Guardians standing next to a Bonfire as depicted next to her space.
  • 2 Points for each of your Portals, if adjacent to a Bonfire.
  • 2 Points for each of your Path Tiles showing a Crystal of the same color as the adjacent Bonfire.
  • 4 Points for each Common Task you fulfill. If you have 7 Bonfires, gain 7 instead of 4 Points.
  • 3 Points for each Fate Tile left in your personal supply.
  • 1 Point for any 2 Action Tiles/Resources in your personal supply.

The player with the most Points wins. In case of a tie, the player with more Bonfires wins the tie.

You gain Points as follows (Example on Page 16, Appendix IV):

2–8 Points for each of your Bonfires, according to its printed value.
2–8 Points for each of your Guardians standing next to a Bonfire as depicted next to her space.
2 Points for each of your Portals, if adjacent to a Bonfire.
2 Points for each of your Path Tiles showing a Crystal of the same color as the adjacent Bonfire.
4 Points for each Common Task you fulfill. If you have 7 Bonfires, gain 7 instead of 4 Points.
3 Points for each Fate Tile left in your personal supply.
1 Point for any 2 Action Tiles/Resources in your personal supply.

The player with the most Points wins. In case of a tie, the player with more Bonfires wins the tie.

  • 20 Points for the 5 Bonfires (7+5+2+4+2)
  • 6 Points for the grey Guardian standing next to the red Bonfire
  • 10 Points for 5 Portals next to a Bonfire
  • 8 Points for 4 Path Tiles showing the same Crystal color as the Bonfire
  • 4 Points for 1 Common Task “Have 7 Portals”
  • 6 Points for 2 Fate Tiles in the supply
  • 2 Points for the 3 Action Tiles + the 1 Resource remaining in your supply
  • 5 Points for the Elder (gained during the game)
  • 61 Points in total
Note: A Task is also fulfilled, if you have more than the requested number(s).

Tasks with 2–3 Points, blue Bonfires

Have 1 Path Tile showing the depicted Resource
Have 1 Path Tile showing the depicted Resource
Have 1 Path Tile showing the depicted Resource
Have 1 Path Tile showing the depicted Resource
Have the depicted Guardian
Have the depicted Guardian
Have the depicted Guardian
Have the depicted Guardian
Have 1 Offering Tile on an island showing the depicted Resource
Have 1 Offering Tile on an island showing the depicted Resource
Have 1 Offering Tile on an island showing the depicted Resource
Have 2 Offering Tiles on 1 island
Have 1 Offering Tile on 3 different islands, each
Have 1 Gnome that shows the depicted Resource
Have 1 Gnome that shows the depicted Resource
Have 1 Gnome that shows the depicted Resource
Have 1 blue and 1 red Bonfire
Have any 2 Resources each 2x (no Gold)
Have the depicted group of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols on the Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent.
Have the depicted group of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols on the Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent.
Have the depicted group of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols on the Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent.
Have the depicted group of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols on the Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent.

Tasks with 4–5 Points, red Bonfires

Have 2 adjacent Path Tiles showing the same Resource
Have 3 Gnomes
Have 4 Gold
Have the 2 depicted Guardians
Have the 2 depicted Guardians
Have the 2 depicted Guardians
Have 3 Portals
Have fulfilled the condition of 1 Common Task
Have 1 Offering Tile on each of the 2 islands showing the depicted Resource
Have Bonfires of all 3 colors
Have 1 Offering Tile on each of the 2 islands showing the depicted Resource
Have the 2 depicted groups of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols in your Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent. The 2 groups don't need to be adjacent.
Have the 2 depicted groups of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols in your Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent. The 2 groups don't need to be adjacent.
Have the 2 depicted groups of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols in your Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent. The 2 groups don't need to be adjacent.
Have the 2 depicted groups of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols in your Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent. The 2 groups don't need to be adjacent.
Have the 2 depicted groups of 3 adjacent identical Action Symbols in your Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent. The 2 groups don't need to be adjacent.
Have 3 of the depicted Resources
Have 3 of the depicted Resources
Have 3 of the depicted Resources
Have 4 blue Tasks and/or Bonfires
Have 4 Guardians of any color.
Have 1 Offering Tile on each of the 2 islands showing the depicted Resource

Tasks with 6–8 Points, yellow Bonfires

Have 1 depleted pile of Offering Tiles (no matter which one)
Have 3 Offering Tiles on 1 island (Do not use this if you are playing a 2 player game)
Have 1 Offering Tile on 5 different islands
Have 5 Gnomes
Have 3 Elders
Have 3 Path Tiles showing a red Crystal
Have 4 red Tasks and/or Bonfires
Have 5 Portals
Have all highlighted spaces of your Fate Area covered with Fate Tiles
Have 4 Path Tiles showing a blue Crystal
Have 4 yellow Tasks and/or Bonfires
Have 2 Guardians next to a Bonfire
Have 2 Resources each 3x (no Gold)
Have 5 identical Resources (no Gold)
Have the 5 depicted Action Tiles in your supply
Have the 5 depicted Action Tiles in your supply
Have the 5 depicted Action Tiles in your supply
Have 5 Bonfires
Have 2 Offering Tiles on each of 3 different islands
Have 2 groups of 4 identical Action Symbols in your Fate Area. The Symbols may be arranged in any shape or form as long as they are adjacent.
Have each space of the 2 outermost columns in your Fate Area covered with Fate Tiles
Have all Gold spaces of your Fate Area covered with Fate Tiles

Common Tasks

Have 7 Tasks and/or Bonfires to gain 4 Points
OR: Have 7 Bonfires to gain 7 Points
Have 7 Portals
Have 7 Path Tiles (including your Starting Tile)
Have 5 Guardians
Have 6 Gnomes
Gain 2 Gold and 1 yellow Action Tile. Note: You cannot choose the alternative “Gain 1 Point” bonus here, because it would be worth less in any case.
Take 1 Path Tile from the display or choose 1 from the draw piles. If you take 1 from a pile, shuffle the piles afterwards.
OR: Gain 1 Point.
Move 1 of your Guardians as many steps as you like forward or backward to an empty Path Tile or Bonfire. Gain the usual reward.
OR: Gain 1 Point.
Turn the Great Bonfire to a space of your choice and gain the corresponding rewards as usual.
OR: Gain 1 Point.
Take 1 Specialist for free.
OR: Gain 1 Point.
Take 1 Guardian in a color you do not already have.
OR: Gain 1 Point.
Perform the Action Move your Ship: Move to an island of your choice for free. Pay for the action of the island as usual with Action Tile(s) and Resources.
OR: Gain 1 Point.
Immediately place the next Fate Tile and gain Action Tiles as usual. You do not need to discard any excess Action Tiles.
OR: Gain 1 Point.


Each of your path tiles may contain any number of Guardians. This does not apply to Bonfires.
During every Procession, you may move every Guardian 1 step further than you paid for.
When receiving a Task, you may pay 2 Resources of your choice.
You gain 2 additional Points when recruiting an Elder.
Each of your yellow Action Tiles is treated as 2 identical Tiles of your choice, when you use it.
When a Guardian ends her movement on a Path Tile, you choose which Resource you gain. You may also choose to gain any Resource instead of Gold on the first Path Tile.
Gain 1 Gold when placing a Novice in the High Council in addition to the bonus.
Whenever you take a new Path Tile, gain the Resource depicted on it.
When recruiting Gnomes, you may pay using 1 or 2 Resources of your choice instead of the depicted one (even, if this is Gold).
Whenever the depicted Guardian ends her movement on a Path Tile, gain the corresponding Resource an additional time.
Whenever the depicted Guardian ends her movement on a Path Tile, gain the corresponding Resource an additional time.
Whenever the depicted Guardian ends her movement on a Path Tile, gain the corresponding Resource an additional time.
Whenever the depicted Guardian ends her movement on a Path Tile, gain the corresponding Resource an additional time.
You may keep up to 3 Action Tiles, before placing the next Fate Tile.
Gain 1 yellow Action Tile when recruiting an Elder or a Specialist, including this one.
Whenever you place a Fate Tile onto a symbol in your Fate Area, gain the depicted object 1 additional time.
Whenever you place a Guardian on the Starting Tile, make a Procession (1 Step). You do not gain any Resources during this Procession!
You gain 2 Points when any of your Guardians moves to a Bonfire. The Points for having the Guardian at a Bonfire you'll still get during the Final Scoring.
As soon as you fulfill a Common Task, gain 1 Gold and 1 yellow Action Tile. It does not matter whether there still is a Neutral Novice present, or not.
Whenever any Guardian ends her movement on the first Path Tile, gain 1 additional Gold.
Whenever you pay at least 1 Action Tile to move your Ship, you may move it 1 step further than you paid for.
Whenever you pay at least 1 Action Tile to use the Great Bonfire, you may rotate it 1 more space than you paid for.
Whenever you use the Great Bonfire, you may gain all 3 rewards.
You may place multiple Novices of the same color on a space of the High Council.
You may place the Portals in any order.
Whenever you receive a Task, you pay only 1 Action Tile, no matter how many of your Offering Tiles are on the respective island.
You may place Fate Tiles so they protrude beyond your Fate Area. At least 1 symbol of the Fate Tile must remain within your Fate Area.


Gain 1 point for each Path Tile (including the Starting Tile) you have.
Gain 1 point for each Fate Tile in your Fate Area.
Gain 1 point for each Portal you have.
Gain 1 point for each Task and 1 point for each Bonfire you have.
Gain 1 point for each Guardian you have.
Gain 1 point for each Gnome you have, including this card.
First choose the action you want to perform, then you will need to pay the required action tiles in a popup. Clicking action tiles in your play area will discard them.
When you chose to refresh the path tiles on the board, you need to take a path tile afterwards (on the board or from the draw pile). You will not be allowed to take another action.
During a procession, you need to move the guardians from right to left, skipping those you don't want to move. When you're asked to pay action tiles, the dialog indicates the cost of the first move. You are free to pay more action tiles in view of moving other guardians over a longer distance during the same procession.
Remember: to take a task from an island, you do not only need to pay Action Tile(s) but also the Resources required by the island and one from your offer tiles.
Hovering over an empty portal slot on anyone's player board will highlight the corresponding portal tiles in the great bonfire.
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